Appreciation support

Some services are only available for specific performances, so please see "Appreciation Support" on the performance page for details, or contact the support desk listed in the service details below.

Childcare service

Childcare services are basically available for performances where advance tickets are sold.
Due to the limited number of seats available, reservations are required.

Prices 2,200 Yen(per person)
Target Over 6 months old and under 9 years old
application Setagaya Public Theatre 
TEL 03-5432-1526
Consignment Kids Room Tinker Bell Sancha

Reservations will be accepted until noon three days before the desired date of use, but will be closed as soon as the capacity is reached.
Please make your reservation as soon as possible.
In addition, please consult about children with disabilities.

Wheelchair space

There is a wheelchair space where you can watch the theater while in a wheelchair.
Due to the limited number of seats available, reservations are required.

Prices 10% discount on the applicable area ticket fee [Up to 1 attendant is free]
application theater ticket center 
TEL 03-5432-1515

It will be closed as soon as it becomes capacity.Please make your reservation as soon as possible.

Theater with an assistance dog

You can watch the play with an assistance dog.
Seats vary in size, so please contact the theater for details.

Inquiry Setagaya Public Theatre 
TEL 03-5432-1526

writing instrument

Communication devices are available in the theater lobby and theater ticket center.

Voice support for those who are hard of hearing

For those who have difficulty hearing the voice, we will lend out earphones in the theater lobby on the day of the performance.
Please apply at least 3 days before the desired date of use.
Future target performances | We will inform you as soon as it is decided.

application Setagaya Public Theatre 
TEL 03-5432-1526 
FAX 03-5432-1559
Click here for contact form

Lending scripts for hearing-impaired performances

We will lend you the script in advance.
Please return it when you visit.
Future target performances | We will inform you as soon as it is decided.

application Setagaya Public Theatre 
TEL 03-5432-1526 
FAX 03-5432-1559
Click here for contact form

Dispatch of Sign Language Interpreters for the Deaf

A sign language interpreter will be on standby in the theater lobby from the time the doors open to the end of the performance.
Future target performances | We will inform you as soon as it is decided.

Text guide pamphlet for the hearing impaired

A pamphlet with an overview of the work and a guide to the theater lobby will be available in the theater lobby.You can also email us a similar text in advance.
Future target performances | We will inform you as soon as it is decided.

application Setagaya Public Theatre 
TEL 03-5432-1526 
FAX 03-5432-1559
Click here for contact form

Information pamphlet in braille and text for the visually impaired

A Braille pamphlet (about 10 pages) will be available for loan at the theater lobby on the day of your visit.Includes an overview of the work and information on the theater lobby.You can also email us a similar text in advance.
Future target performances | We will inform you as soon as it is decided.

application Setagaya Public Theatre 
TEL 03-5432-1526 
FAX 03-5432-1559
Click here for contact form

Stage briefing for the visually impaired

We will hold a stage briefing session for the visually impaired.Before the performance, we will explain the stage equipment, costumes, and scenes that are difficult to understand without relying on your eyesight.Those who want to enjoy the work more deeply can participate widely.Those who have a ticket for the performance where the stage briefing will be held are eligible.
Future target performances||We will inform you as soon as it is decided.

application Setagaya Public Theatre 
TEL 03-5432-1526 
FAX 03-5432-1559
Click here for contact form


Please contact the theater for consultations and inquiries regarding viewing support and barrier-free services.

Setagaya Public Theatre

TEL. 03-5432-1526(10:00-19:00 except year-end and New Year holidays)

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